Graphic Design, Editorial Design
Glamcult Magazine
#137 The Dawn Issue

208 Pages, 230 x 300mm

Dawn is the precipice of the day; the moment in which everything is possible, and nothing is to be expected. Dawn is free from the troubles of yesteryear – and anticipation of the day to come: utopian or dystopian.

Featuring Tsunaina, Issey Miyake, Coucou Chloe, Edward Crutchley, Elmgreen & Dragset, Ibeyi and many more.

Design with and for Glamcult Studio

Graphic Design
Collecting Data – Aspects of Digital Surveillance

132 Pages, 160 x 240mm
Collecting Data deals with the increase of surveillance technologies, especially mass surveillance. Visually exciting aspects, such as the connection between surveillance and security or the significance for privacy, are being explored. Our aim was not to deal with the extensive topic in a purely theoretical way but rather to play with its aesthetics and visual language to create room for interpretation.

Collaboration with Mohamad Fawal

Years In Between

Photobook Hardcover
212 Pages, 205 x 260mm
Portraying groups of teenage friends and individuals and exploring group dynamics. The project is about the defining life phase of youth in regard to the search for identity and belonging to social groups.

Shot on Mamiya RB67 and Mamiya 645 Super

Title lettering, Animation
Exhibition Textielmuseum Tilburg (NL)
“Royal embroidery – stitches and stories”

The exhibition gives a view into the inside of the palace „Huis ten Bosch“ and shows both the historical and the new curtains of the palace. The new curtains are the result of a collaboration between more than 150 embroiderers from all over the Netherlands and Queen Máxima and they depict historical buildings of the Netherlands.

Design with and for Glamcult Studio

Graphic Design, Art Direction
Luv&Lee Magazine

240 Pages, 165 x 220mm
The university magazine “Luv&Lee” is a platform for students of the Faculty of Design Würzburg but also invites external designers.
A new issue with a new topic is launched each semester and gives students the chance to create freely and to get their work printed and published. In issue #14 and #17 I was part of the management team that takes over all creative and organisational tasks.

For issue #17 the subject was BITTER:
Bitterness – we still get away from her. But sometimes it is not so easy. To perceive the bitter moments calmly as part of the whole. To see life as bittersweet. Like the taste of matcha on our tongues: full of joy and yet everything pulls together. A nuance that we are glad for in the end.